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Guys, bagi kalian yang maw liat profileku bisa buka di sini :
Friendster, Facebook, Plurk, My Space, Twitter, Or Multiply

Alamat E-mailnya sama semua kok which is : Ace3889@gmail.com
Ace3889@yahoo.com ==> Multiply only

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Yohanes Permadi Raharjo's Facebook profile

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


What is this so called "Ping.fm" ???
That was the first question I got when I first entered this web. I wonder how come this web could help me solve my problem which is

"How to Update All My Social Networks when I Don't Have Anytime to Online"
Then I got this info from my online buddy to visit this website.

Bla...Bla...Bla... (Let's just skip the story and get down to the business shall we :-) )

Let's begin the Instruction :
1.) Open the web "Ping.fm" from your browser
2.) Sign up to Ping.fm (Fill the e-mail adress and password)
3.) Login and Add your network in the dashboard (ex : twitter, facfebook, or plurk)
4.) After adding the Network(s), go to service/tools
5.) Choose SMS/Text Messaging
6.) Click "Not in the US or Canada" if you are not on it.
7.) Just follow the instruction given and verify the code.
8.) Easy isn't it??? Now, you can text your status to the International number and "VOILA!!!" all your registered Social Networks status will be change all at once.
9.) Good Luck!!!


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