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Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Life as Time Goes On. . . . .

1 . Bentar lagi umur dah menginjak 20 tahun
2 . Kerasa banget ada perubahan within myself (It's secret ^^)
3 . I don't feel like to have a relationship right now
4 . I do still L.O.V.E. French Fries, Tee-Hee ^^
5 . Milk??? Sure I do
6 . I do more understand about Give and Take in Love
7 . I learn so much from My Experience, it makes me grow stronger
8 . I still love playing games
9 . More concern about others, it's natural, right????
10. Being more serious for studying about Guitar
11 . You wouldn't believe this, I'm a Romantic person now as I grow older ^^
12 . People do say I'm childish and they serious about that
13 . ZZZzzzzZZZZzzzzz, Love to sleep, it's my hobby now
14 . I got Friendster, Face Book, My Space, and Blogger account now
15 . Love My Family, Love My Friends, Love the One I Loved ^^


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