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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ah,at last. . . . . ^^

After one year,selalu banyak masalah seperti dulu,
selalu banyak kejadian kayak dulu,
selalu ada sahabat waktu susah kaya dulu,
selalu ada tangis tawa as usual,
selalu ada keputusan dibalik ke-putus-asa-an ^^,
selalu ada pengharapan disaat terhilang,
selalu ada selalu ada & selalu ada sesuatu...
Tp ada yg berubah,^^
Aq diproses,berat,susah,gag tertahankan,& gag akan pernah terbayangkan sbelumnya,tp
I'm glad,now that I finally understand,I still have a long path ahead,^^ So,I have to stand,but now I'm not alone,^^
Penyesalan???HaHaHa. . . Aq nyesel atas semua perbuatan bodohQ dulu,aq jg tau gag mungkin bsa ngulang sebuah cerita,^^ but,it have to be that way so everyone may find the Happyness,^^ jd aq gag mungkin memaksakan egoQ utk memutar balik waktu,^^
Happy???I'm happy with myself ^^,My God,My Family,My Friends,I love 'em all. . . ^^
Sad???Not right now,^^
Any Last Words or Wishes???NO!!!Coz I'm survive,and it is not the Last!!!
Any comment??? . . . . . . .
To u who read this,feel free to fill a comment to me,^^
This is just a piece of my life-story. . .


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